
The Technical Industrial Institute of the African Relief Committee opened the Productive Products Exhibition, which aims to provide outlets to present and display a selection of items and products of (the Technical Industrial Institute, the Crafts Institute for Girls, Khairat Farm, and Charitable Bakeries), this opening took a place on Saturday, the seventh of May 2021.

The products sold in this exhibition are among the good things of the aforementioned facilities, the most important of which are furniture, clothing and modern designs, fresh vegetables, and fruits, as well as baked goods. These exhibitions produce many products whose financial incomes are for the benefit of the educational facilities in the Kuwait Charitable Educational Complex in order to develop and harness them to serve Society across Somaliland.

The exhibition contributes to opening new horizons for young producers at the Technical Industrial Institute as well as the Craft Institute for Girls, which represents an opportunity to deliver and market their products free in cooperation with the concerned authority’s management.

Pictures Of The Products Made by the Industrial Institute

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