
Among the projects implemented by the Africa Relief Committee (ARC) in Somaliland, in the field of water and wells, the “Jaafar bin Abi Talib” well project (artesian well with a depth of more than 180 meters) was inaugurated in the Gabiley region – Somaliland.

The well works with an electric pump and has been provided with a tank capacity of 12-cubic meters with sterile drinking water facilities, in addition to watering channels suitable for irrigating animals such as sheep, camels, cows, and others.

More than 1,500 families, equivalent to more than (10,000) citizens, benefit from this project, in addition to five villages adjacent to the area in which the well was dug.

Pictures Of The Opening

Many thanks to the supporters from the State of Kuwait, the opening was attended by the water officials in the Gabiley region, the executive director of the Gabiley region Mr. Ahmed Othman, District Water Officer Mr. Abdul Rahman Noah, and a number of officials and authorities, and a number of the people who gathered at the opening site to celebrate this occasion.

The African Relief Committee expressed its thanks to the International Mercy Society, which funded this humanitarian project for the Republic of Somaliland, noting that the project of drilling water wells In the areas that suffer from water scarcity, such projects, in addition to the positive health impact on their lives, especially children, women and the elderly.

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