
The Director-General of the Africa Relief Committee, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mouallimi, launched the Creativity and Moral Values Club, an awareness initiative for social reform, which targets the schools and institutes of the Kuwait Educational Complex.

The club aims to raise the status of educational values ​​among all male and female students, in addition to discovering the talented and distinguished, and forming ambassadors from them to be honorable models for their country.

 Among the most prominent programs that the club seeks to implement is the establishment of committees that take care of students’ talents, the most important of which are: the technical committee that takes care of theatre, poetry, chanting, and rhetoric, and the technical committee that sponsors talented students by paying attention to their ideas and inventions, as well as the awareness and guidance committee that is concerned with raising awareness and instilling moral and behavioral values ​​for students, in addition to For the Sports Committee, the Health Committee and the Agricultural Committee, and in the meeting attended by the founding team of the club, the general manager said: “The idea of ​​the club is worthy of attention and has clear results in the future in building the student’s personality and advancing him towards creativity.” He added: “We support every idea and action that aims to create an inspiring environment.” For our students to be leaders and pioneers for the future, and he thanked those in charge of the educational work and its various activities.”

Pictures Of The Opening

As part of the Creativity and Moral Values Club, the awareness initiative for social reform was launched

which aims to spread the values ​​of awareness by instilling positive ideas and behaviors that work on the principle of “the change you seek in your community begins with you.” The initiative works to promote the idea of ​​volunteering among the youth in particular. A community volunteer through its first value, which was the value of cleanliness. The initiative members from the students of the Kuwait Charitable Educational Complex participated in the hygiene campaign launched by the Mayor of the capital Hargeisa in Somaliland.

Pictures Of The Event

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