The meeting of the Supervisory and Technical Committee of the International Hospital Construction Project, to discuss the proposals of the applicants for the construction of the project

A meeting of the Supervisory Committee and the Engineering Technical Committee was held to review the field inspection reports and field visits for the companies applying for the construction of the International Hospital in Hargeisa and to analyze the offers according to the specific criteria sent to the companies in advance within the terms and…

Construction Tender

Announcement The African Relief Committee – Somaliland office announces the opening of the opportunity to apply for a tender for a construction project to build a medical hospital and a residential building. With vacant land located in the Musalha neighborhood – Hargeisa city – Somaliland, according to the following: In its submitted offer, the office…

Ogaysiis Qandaraaska Shaqooyinka Kormeerka Injineernimadaa Mashruuca Cusbitaalka Caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa.

Waxay ay ku wargelinaysaa hay’adda African Releif committee ARC xafiiskeeda Somaliland qabashada codsiyada shirkadaha danaynaya dhismaha iyo fulinta dhamaan Shaqooyinka Injineernimo ee dhismaha, laydh gelinta iyo makaniga mashruuca dhakhtarka Hargeisa International ee masalaha. Shuruudaha qiimaynta: Shirkadda soo xaraynasa qiimaynta waa inay u hogaansantaa Shuruudaha guud iyo tilmaamaha ku lifaaqan Ogaysiiskan.  In uu ahaado xafiisku amba…