The medical campaigns project carries out 10 free-charge surgeries for ten children with cleft lips.

Within the project of medical campaigns implemented by the African Relief Committee in many different regions and cities in Somaliland and Somalia, which aims to strengthen the capacities of hospitals and support the health sector in general, improve the quality of medical services provided in hospitals, and provide a rapid response to patients and dangerous…

Medical Convoys Benefits 38.820 citizens in Somaliland and Somalia during the year 2021

(12) General Medical Convoys (1606) Eye Surgery (142) Successful Surgeries (16)Cleft Lip Surgery Within the health projects implemented by the African Relief Committee under the supervision of the Rahma International society in Kuwait, African Relief Committee implemented medical convoys in all regions and cities of Somalia and Somaliland during the year 2021. These convoys aim…

Ogaysiis Qandaraaska Shaqooyinka Kormeerka Injineernimadaa Mashruuca Cusbitaalka Caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa.

Waxay ay ku wargelinaysaa hay’adda African Releif committee ARC xafiiskeeda Somaliland qabashada codsiyada shirkadaha danaynaya dhismaha iyo fulinta dhamaan Shaqooyinka Injineernimo ee dhismaha, laydh gelinta iyo makaniga mashruuca dhakhtarka Hargeisa International ee masalaha. Shuruudaha qiimaynta: Shirkadda soo xaraynasa qiimaynta waa inay u hogaansantaa Shuruudaha guud iyo tilmaamaha ku lifaaqan Ogaysiiskan.  In uu ahaado xafiisku amba…

African Relief Committee is carrying out a medical campaign for those affected by the floods and rains in the Salahley region of Somaliland

The African Relief Committee, in cooperation with the International Hospital in Hargeisa, carried out a medical convoy for the relief of the people affected by the torrents and torrential rains in the Salahley area, south of the capital, Hargeisa, this morning, Thursday 01/10/2020, and this convoy came with generous funding from Al-Rahma Internatioal Society in…

In cooperation with the International Hospital: Africa Relief Committee (A.R.C), with funding from Kuwaiti Al-Rahma International Society, a free multidisciplinary medical convoy is running to the Dami neighborhood, east of the capital, Hargeisa.

With generous funding from Al-Rahma Society, the African Relief Committee (ARC) ran, in cooperation with the International Hospital in the capital Hargeisa, the free multi-specialty medical convoy to the Dami neighborhood, east of the capital, Hargeisa. Hargeisa International Hospital visited the neighborhood, which is the poorest neighborhood in the capital, Hargeisa, with a high population…

For the first time in Somaliland … Opening of endoscopic urology and prostate surgery at Hargeisa International Hospital

Under the generous patronage of Dr. Mahdi Othman, Deputy Minister of Health, Somaliland, and in the presence of Mr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Muallami, General Manager of ARC, Dr. Abdul Qawi Al-Shamiri, General Manager of Hargeisa International Hospital, and a number of doctors, consultants and notables, endoscopic urology and prostate surgery was opened, which is the first and…