Two medical projects giving back hope to 400 citizens of eye patients in Somaliland and Somalia

Among the health projects implemented by the African Relief Committee, one of its lofty goals was to provide relief to the Somali people and to provide health support that suits their financial conditions, especially those who do not have access to medicines and emergency treatments. In this context, during the first quarter of 2021, the…

The opening of a clinic and a comprehensive medical center equipped with the latest medical equipment in the state of Puntland

At the end of March 2021, the African Relief Committee inaugurated the Haya Medical Clinic in Growe, Puntland State northeastern Somalia. The medical center is part of a series of charitable health projects implemented by the Africa Relief Committee. The celebration was attended by several health officials and concerned authorities in the state. The center…

Three free medical convoys benefiting 4000 citizens in Hargeisa, Berma, and Toon village

Among the health projects implemented by the Africa Relief Committee in Somalia and Somaliland, which aim to strengthen the capacities of hospitals, support the health sector in general, and improve the quality of medical services provided to the people, As a rapid response to patients who are unable to pay the costs of treatment, and…

Maintenance and development of the Khairat farm of the African Relief Committee in Somaliland

The African Relief Committee implemented a project to develop Khairat farms in Hargeisa and Burma at the beginning of this year 2021. The project included the establishment of (41) greenhouses with an area equivalent to 360 meters for each greenhouse. The project also included the maintenance of (38) greenhouses in Hargeisa, as well as the…

The African Relief Committee establishes five mosques in different regions of Somaliland

The Africa Relief Committee continued its charitable, social, and development projects, by establishing five mosques with their facilities in different regions of Somaliland. The committee inaugurated the “Al-Tawbah” mosque in Burma city, the “Makiya and Lulwa Khalaf Al-Maatouq” mosque in the Ali Haid area in the Awdel region, and the “Dhaif Allah Rashdan Al-Mutairi” mosque…

Construction Tender

Announcement The African Relief Committee – Somaliland office announces the opening of the opportunity to apply for a tender for a construction project to build a medical hospital and a residential building. With vacant land located in the Musalha neighborhood – Hargeisa city – Somaliland, according to the following: In its submitted offer, the office…

Ogaysiis Qandaraaska Shaqooyinka Kormeerka Injineernimadaa Mashruuca Cusbitaalka Caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa.

Waxay ay ku wargelinaysaa hay’adda African Releif committee ARC xafiiskeeda Somaliland qabashada codsiyada shirkadaha danaynaya dhismaha iyo fulinta dhamaan Shaqooyinka Injineernimo ee dhismaha, laydh gelinta iyo makaniga mashruuca dhakhtarka Hargeisa International ee masalaha. Shuruudaha qiimaynta: Shirkadda soo xaraynasa qiimaynta waa inay u hogaansantaa Shuruudaha guud iyo tilmaamaha ku lifaaqan Ogaysiiskan.  In uu ahaado xafiisku amba…

African Relief Committee concludes a courses (making cakes and sweets) for 20 trainees in Hargeisa

The Industrial Institute for Girls in the Kuwait Educational Complex of African Relief Committee concluded yesterday morning a specialized course in the manufacture of cake and sweets for (20) trainees in Hargeisa, Somaliland, and the course comes with generous funding from Al-Rahma International Society in the State of Kuwait. The one-month course aimed at teaching…

African Relief Committee is carrying out a medical campaign for those affected by the floods and rains in the Salahley region of Somaliland

The African Relief Committee, in cooperation with the International Hospital in Hargeisa, carried out a medical convoy for the relief of the people affected by the torrents and torrential rains in the Salahley area, south of the capital, Hargeisa, this morning, Thursday 01/10/2020, and this convoy came with generous funding from Al-Rahma Internatioal Society in…