Medical Convoys Benefits 38.820 citizens in Somaliland and Somalia during the year 2021

(12) General Medical Convoys (1606) Eye Surgery (142) Successful Surgeries (16)Cleft Lip Surgery Within the health projects implemented by the African Relief Committee under the supervision of the Rahma International society in Kuwait, African Relief Committee implemented medical convoys in all regions and cities of Somalia and Somaliland during the year 2021. These convoys aim…

Two medical projects giving back hope to 400 citizens of eye patients in Somaliland and Somalia

Among the health projects implemented by the African Relief Committee, one of its lofty goals was to provide relief to the Somali people and to provide health support that suits their financial conditions, especially those who do not have access to medicines and emergency treatments. In this context, during the first quarter of 2021, the…