shaqooyinka lifting – ka / elevator ee dhakhtarka cusub international hospital Masalaha – Hargeisa (513504 )

Magaca mashruuca:  shaqooyinka lifting – ka / elevator ee dhakhtarka cusub international hospital Masalaha – Hargeisa (513504 ) Hay’ada African Relief Committee ARC Xafiiskeeda Somaliland Waxay Wargelinysaa Dhamaan Shirkadaha elctromechanic-ka  La Xidhiidha in Aanu Bahinayno qandaraas keened iyo rakibid iyo tijaabid lifting/ elevator-ka dhakhtarka  ee Hargeisa International ee masalaha qodob Halka lagu hagaajinayo Wakhtiga iyo…

Medical Charity Project Saves Sight of 41 Patients

ARC has successfully saved the sight of 41 patients from poor families living in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Ophthalmologists at the international hospital in Hargeisa provided free examinations, surgeries, and complete treatment for these patients. The medical charity project, funded by the international organization ALRAHMA, is regularly extended by ARC to people who cannot afford medical expenses,…

Jop Announcement: Accountant

Africa Relief Committee announces the following vacant position: Position: Accountant Application Deadline: 7 days from the announcement date Location: AFRICAN RELIEF COMMITTEE   Qualifications: University degree in accounting. Experience: Minimum of 3  years of previous experience. Skills: Knowledge of accounting principles, accuracy and detail, use of accounting software, effective communication, time management, knowledge of financial…

 talbiista, cadaynta iyo shaqooyinka macjuun xabashiga/ sibidhka midabaysan (dry cement colour) – Hargeisa (493494)

Magaca mashruuca:  talbiista, cadaynta iyo shaqooyinka macjuun xabashiga/ sibidhka midabaysan (dry cement colour) – Hargeisa (493494) Hay’ada African Relief Committee ARC Xafiiskeeda Somaliland Waxay Wargelinysaa Dhamaan Shirkadaha Dismaha Iyo Hay’adaha Dhismaha La Xidhiidha in Aanu Bahinayno qandaraas (Gacan) shaqooyinka talbiista, cadaynta iyo shaqooyinka macjuun xabashiga/sibidhka midabaysan(dry cement colour) – dhismaha degaan ee ku yaala dhakhtarka…

markas al amal al sixii – waqf umu badar – borama (586890)

Magaca mashruuca:  markas al amal al sixii – waqf umu badar – borama (586890) Waxay wargelinaysa hay’ada African Reliefe Comittee (ARC) baahinayso qandraas fulinta mashruca xarunta caafimad (مشروع مركز الامل الصحي – وقف أم بدر – بورما (586890) oo laga hir gelinayo magaalada borama waxyaaba uu ka koobanyahay mashruucu : qodob Halka lagu hagaajinayo Wakhtiga…

Water Projects

ARC has successfully carried out the drilling of 7 surface wells in the Lower and Middle Shabelle, as well as Haran regions of Somalia. Each well is constructed with a durable concrete structure and equipped with a manual pump (bucket) and a trough for livestock and animal watering. These wells play a vital role in…

Health Projects

The Africa Relief Committee (ARC) collaborated with specialists at Hargeisa International Hospital to provide free eye surgeries to 24 patients suffering from various eye diseases in Hargeisa. This project was funded by ALRAHMA international. The is part of ARC’s ongoing project to combat eye diseases and prevent blindness in the Horn of Africa region and…

Education projects

The African Relief Committee (ARC) has announced the successful completion of 14 education projects in Somaliland in the past three quarters of 2023. The projects are part of ARC’s broader strategy to equip people with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of their communities. The projects benefited over 1644 students from poor…

ceelka mashaariicda dil xijah 1444 H (588674)

Magaca mashruuca:  ceelka mashaariicda dil xijah 1444 H  (588674) waxay wargelinaysa hay’ada African Reliefe Comittee (ARC) qandaraas qodis ceel(مشروع البئر سقيا الماء -220م مشروعات ذى الحجه 1444 ه (588674)) GPS (9.54323056 , 45.53734722oo laga hir gelinayo magaalada burco – Togdheer waxyaaba uu ka koobanyahay mashruucu qodob Halka lagu hagaajinayo Wakhtiga iyo cinwaanka la dhamystirayo Fulint…